Saturday, December 26, 2009

Virtual Christmas Letter

Merry Christmas Everyone! This is year 2 of the virtual Chrismas letter. We are trying to be more green and it is really amazing how much paper goes out as letters.

We had a little bit of a rough year : ( The car broke down (permanantly), we had to get a car, I burned my hand, Jayne and I had an accident at a park (Nicole and Eric will remember that one), our sewage line got crushed, and I lost my job (they closed). On a lighter note, Adam and I got a couples massage for valentines day and decided we really liked it, Jayne got the rest of his teething done, we opened (which has been going well, check it out if you haven't already), Jayne turned 2, and while I am not fond of it, I was able to find a new job right away after losing the last one. oh, and I am being considered to illustrate a children's book about alpacas : D

We have some huge plans for the next 2 years. We are working REALLY hard to get rid of some of our bill so that I can stay home with Jayne and do the crazy elephant as my job. It is going to mean a lot of sacrifices on our part, but the reward will be wonderful. We are celebrating 10 years together this year, with 5 years married. We don't know how we are going to celebrate yet. We might sign Jayne up for Early childhood this fall, depending on how things go. And we plan on doing several shows with the Crazy Elephant this year depending on scheduling.

We are looking forward to a fun and exciting, but uneventful, new year.

Merry Christmas.
The Morgan Family : )

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