Wednesday, February 17, 2010

IF: Adrift

Illustration Friday: Adrift

Jayne did a drawing too. He had a lot of fun with his Mommy's pencils. I let him pick the topic of my picture today. He picked water and birds...butterfly is close enough ; ) This one is pencil and colored pencil.

Print available here:


Susan said...

Michelle, just found your blog and started to follow - I love the name "Morgan's Bubble"! What a peaceful illo and I love how the blues blend together - cheers! Susan

Susan said...

Hi Again Michelle, thanks for the reciprocal follow and your nice comments! I have indeed thought about Lulu if I can't get a publisher when I'm ready. I don't know how much time I'm going to give it, but self-publishing is definitely a possible outcome for this project. So you actually got something published with them? Can you send me a link to your book, I'd love to see it -thanks!