Tuesday, January 28, 2020

9 Board Games to Supplement Sonlight Grades 3-4 Curriculum

Gameschooling takes many forms. For some, games are the curriculum. For others, it is an intentional supplement to bring their studies to life. Today we are sharing 9 games that that can supplement your Sonlight grades 3-4 curriculum. The curriculum packs are D and E. We are not suggesting you add all of these games to your collection, but if you find 1-2 that you want to add to your school day, great! Have fun with whichever game(s) you choose.

Discoveries: the Journals of Lewis and Clark

This game is about the creation of the nature journals that Lewis and Clark made over the course of their trip. Players use dice to complete portions of the journey. This allows them to add the portion to their journal. The art in the game is beautiful as well.


If you have played Bananagrams, this is basically the same game with math. Players create what is basically a crossword puzzle of math equations with the number tiles that they have. It is a great game for practicing addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. Since the function of the equation is chosen by the players, kids can choose what they are comfortable with or parents can encourage playing with newly acquired skills.


Karuba bring the players into the jungles of the Americas. They will be searching for hidden temples and the treasures within. It is a tile placement puzzle game. The tiles are used to cut paths through the jungle to reach the temples.

Catan Geographies

Image result for catan geographies

These are scenario sheets that require the normal version of the game to play. They feature various regions of the USA. The sheets have pre made tiles and numbers on it as well as facts about the region. Even the basic game can be great as your students learn about colonization and natural resources.

Timeline Americana
Timeline is a very simple game to play. Players take turns trying to fit their events I to the timeline. Repeated play will help bring the dates and events into the students' memories.

This game is about farming. It would be a perfect addition to learning about settling the west, as many were farmers. It is a worker placement game. Players will be growing crops, raising livestock, and growing a family as well.


This space game has players take a hand in developing planets. The features of the planet's will be dependent on the resources they find as the planets orbit. The art was made in cooperation with NASA and is just stunning. The cards also have facts about the features they add to the planet.

Whistle Stop
This is a train game. Players are adding tracks to the board and moving their trains toward their goal. The tracks are like a maze, making it hard to work your way across the board. With trains being a big part of western expansion, this game is a fun supplement.

Bang! The Dice Game
The wild west was a bit crazy. In this game players take on various roles in an old west showdown. It does require 3 players. It is a quick dice rolling game. If you can play Yatzee, you can play this and probably have more fun doing it.

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