Friday, February 07, 2020

Board Game Spotlight: It's a Wonderful World

It is a wonderful world and this is a delightfully simple game with a lot of depth. At it's core, It's a Wonderful World is a drafting game, like we learned about yesterday in our game mechanics 101 class. It adds in a little bit of resource management and engine building as well. Let me tell you about our first game.

The cards that you draft in the game are duel purpose. You need to choose which ones you will build to gain future resources and points and which you will recycle into immediate resources. Adam was very efficient, building very few cards and gaining oh so many resource cubes each round. I was hyper focused on the points the cards could gain me and had a veritable mound of cards under construction. It would have worked too, if the game wasn't a mere 4 rounds long! Adam nearly doubled my score because I was busy playing the long game in a game that isn't long at all.

It's a Wonderful World is fairly easy to learn. Due to the drafting mechanism, each game will play differently. You will need to work with what you have and remember that it is not a long game.

Have you ever gotten so into a game that you forgot that it would be ending soon? I would love to hear your story! Share in the comments.

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