Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Acer Video Contest #1

After lots of hard work and about 50 hours of rendering time, our first entry into the Acer Timeline video contest is officially entered! Adam is planning on doing 3 videos for the contest. Please check it out and promote it in any way you can. There are some really great prizes and we could certainly use the extra money to pay off that new sewage line we had to buy : P Here is the link http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5YNOZksBoDc. Watch, comment, favorite, rate and share as much as you can to help us win! Last year we would have won the prize for most promoted if there was one, this year there is so I know we can do it if we really try : )

I also added the "followers" section to my blog, so please feel free to follow me.

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