Monday, October 25, 2010

Holiday Showcase: Sweet Treat Your Body

What kinds of fabulous goodies to you carry?
I carry a variety of sorts! Everyone thing vegan hp & glyverin soaps, bath bombs, lip balms and creams to soy/palm candles and melts. The thing is that my creations look like something you can eat! Cupcakes, donuts, candy, cakes and more!

What inspires your work?
TO be honest, my children and family. Though I enjoy and love what I do, I hope to one day pass on my love and passion for my art to my kids and them to their kids. Also, I LOVE sweets. If it was healthy I would eat them for breakfast lunch and dinner, but since I can't I make my products look and smell like them to ease my cravings.

Why is handmade important to you?
It used to never be THAT important to me, until I started finding myself in hives b/c of the synthetic things that where in them. My doctor pretty much told me that I could either stop using store brand items or I can keep coming in her office getting skin treatments. So the choice was easy and clear. I used to buy from other crafters, but now I am one!

Share a handmade gift that anyone can do!
Making a scrub! If you want to polish and soften your skin really quick, take some Olive oil (or any oil of your choosing) and add either sugar or salt (salt stings so be careful if shaving!) Mix it well and there you go! Be sure not to drench your salt or sugar in the oil. Add just enough to coat the mix. If you are feeling brave and bold add some EO/Essential Oil to it or some fragrance oil to it! I have some sitting by my kitchen sink (with preservative in it for the water monsters) for everyone's use!

Lastly, where can we find you?
You can find me several places! (my personal website) (my etsy shop)!/pages/Edgewood-MD/Sweet-Treat-Your-Body/144604975559758 on Facebook.

Raspberry Bath Bomb Giveaway, for a Set of 2 circle bath bombs!
There has been a little confusion on our blog giveaways, here's how it works...
You do any of the following things to enter, then leave a comment on this blog post that tells us what things you did. There will be 1 entry per comment and the winner will be selected at random.
*follow this blog
*fan Sweet Treat Your Body on facebook
*heart Sweet Treat Your Body on etsy(must leave link)
*share this giveaway with others in any other way (must leave link and can comment as many seperate links as you like)
*making a purchase in either shop gives you 10 entries (make 1 comment for the purchase)


AmaramA ART said...

Fanned Sweet Treat Your Body on FB as Amara Dragonlynn! :)

Love your gorgeous body goodies!! :D

K.Dingfelder said...

I have "liked" this shop on facebook, favorite-d it on Etsy, and I follow this blog!!

Fabulous shop!!!