Thursday, February 24, 2011

Fabric Fabric Everywhere

I love picking fabric at the store! Let's face it, my fabric choices can mean the difference between making a sale and not. Granted, we do custom orders and have gone out to get specific material for those customers. When we first started up The Crazy Elephant with nothing but burp cloths and owie fixers, We did baby all the way. Then one day I saw an awesome pirate print and that started the fun! Adam said no one would buy it, and the other people who knew about it thought I was crazy to have the print in my baby boutique. What happened? It sold like hot cakes and led to many more bold and daring prints for children. I am excited to add on the many new fabrics that I have added to my collection this month. I have already listed one from the robot collection (show), but I also got an awesome pirate print, 2 under the sea prints, and more goodies in the girls can be pirates too print. So keep an eye out for all the fun prints to come!

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