Thursday, September 29, 2011

October Goals

It is goal time again already! To recap on last months goals...

*I brought the food budget from $175 to $133! Huge step but I will still work on tweeking it.
*I have thought of a couple of handmade gifts that I can make this year that are brand new and will most likely end up in my shop as well.
*I have been building up the listings in my shop and it has resulted in sales, YAY! I started the holiday bootcamp and even got in a new item, the super hero roll!

So now it is time to come up with my goals for October. It is a big month! Starting on October 1st, I will be a stay at home mom. That is a huge goal that is finally being accomplished. So here are the goals for the month...

* Work on a new daily routine that works with all of our new schedules. The new routine will include a sleep schedule, now that we can have one, and time for exercise and devotions.

*Have more quality family time. With our crazy combination of schedules over and more sleep to be had, we don't need to plop in front of the TV at the end of the day because we are too tired to do anything else. I am going to be coming up with a list of activity ideas so that when we say "what should we do tonight" there will be somewhere to go for ideas. I will make sure to share my list on here too so we can all have new ideas.

*Beside working hard on the Etsy holiday bootcamp, I want to get to 100 listings this month and then maintain that number. I have had a hard time growing my stock this month since my listings were being purchased as fast as I was listing them. So I want to get it up and keep it at that amount, minimum, for the whole holiday season.

So those are my 3 main focuses for the month plus my monthly planner pages. What are your plans for the month?


K.Dingfelder said...

I like this idea of monthly goals!

I think I will work on cutting down our grocery budget too! And possibly start work on Holiday projects!!!

Blogger said...

Just got my check for $500.

Many times people don't believe me when I tell them about how much money you can get by taking paid surveys from home...

So I took a video of myself getting paid over $500 for doing paid surveys.