Saturday, October 22, 2011

Homeschool Fun: Pirate

Pirate Jayne digs up doubloons
Pirate week was a blast! We read Pirate Pete several times and it is a very cute book. The pre-k pack we used this week was from Homeschool Creations. No formal worksheets this week so it was mostly play and games. Jayne dressed up and went on a pirate treasure hunt with his daddy. They followed the clues that led to his sensory bin. Now, years ago I got a game called Morgan's Revenge. We had not chosen the name Morgan yet, so it was coincidental. Anyway, the game comes with gold and silver doubloons and a top. Technically it is a gambling game but this week it was a buried treasure! Jayne had a blast digging them out and picking them up with his bug tweezers. He took some time to check them out under his magnifying glass too.

The preschool pack came with a board game  that we played every day. Jayne loves games and this one was nice and easy. We used the alphabet cards to play go fish. At the end of the week we recycled a page from a desk top calendar and put all the letters on it to make a poster for his classroom. We made the puppets from the pack and acted out the Pirate Pete story with them. We also talked like pirates all week long. After a trip to the store we came home with a very small paper bag that is now a pirate puppet.

It has gotten rather cold up here lately. Colder than I like, but I do live in Minnesota. Yesterday it was 32  degrees out when we got up. That means we are spending a lot less time outside. We still walk everywhere to get some fresh air, exercise, and quality time, but that is about the extent of it right now. To add a little physical activity we broke out our wintertime friend the Wii. We don't usually use it at all in the summer, but in the colder weather it is great. Jayne has been doing Nickelodeon Fit and having a blast with it. Here is a short video of him doing one of his favorites, hula hoop with Dora.


Irene said...

Hello! I'm a spanish girl who is trying to learn english, I would like to talk to you( if you want,of course).
By the way, I love your blog, can you visit mine?
Thanks for reading!


Unknown said...

I'm glad you enjoy my blog! I did visit yours but it is a little hard for me to read since I haven't studied spanish in years.

Irene said...

Oh, I'm sorry, I forgot to tell you that my blog is in spanish jaja.