Thursday, December 29, 2011

Janurary Goals

January is just about here! It is time to see how last months goals went and make some for next month.

Dec goals: Crazy Elephant Paperwork - Check!
                  120 minutes of exercise a week - Check!
                  House purging - The house areas are done, but we still need to hit the garage
                  Making time for Christ during Christmas - Absolutely, if it weren't for him I never could
                  have made it through all the holiday craziness!

Here is what I am working on in January...

*The Crazy Elephant is going to be a big focus for me this month. I want to get Valentine's goodies listed and lots of things sewn. We are also going to work on a new celebration format for our sales. We were going out for burgers when we hit a certain amount of sales and that was it. It was basically a race to see how early in the month we would be able to celebrate. Now we are going to wait till the end of the month and our celebration will be based on our total for the month. We will see how it goes and what we come up with.

* I am going to keep working on exercise, especially after all the holiday eating. To make it a little more of a challenge, I am going to bump it up to 130 minute each week. I am going to be doing my time between Wii Fit and Zumba 2 for Wii. They are both activities that I love to do so it makes it so much easier to put in the time.

*In November Adam and I started the 3 year reading plan that is layed out in my study bible. It covers the entire bible and of course with us being who we are, we want to shorten that time up. So for January I would love for us to get through the 9 chapters of Matthew and all 40 chapters of Exodus that are next on the list. That is 18 chapters more for the month than the plan lays out, but we can do it.

I am interested to see how my first full year as a stay at home mom goes. It will change how each day is in comparison to all the years before. Plus having the time at home means The Crazy Elephant will have the focus that I have never been able to put in before. I am so excited to see how the year goes, how about you?

1 comment:

Blogger said...

I make $20 for completing a 20 minute survey!

Guess what? This is exactly what major companies are paying for. They need to know what their customer base needs and wants. So large companies pay $1,000,000's of dollars each month to the average person. In return, the average person, like myself, answers some questions and gives them their opinion.