Tuesday, January 31, 2012

February Goals

Can you believe that tomorrow is February?! Winter will be over before we know it and I am already dreaming of rhubarb. Let's start by taking a look back on my January goals...

The Crazy Elephant did get a couple of V-day goodies but the focus turned to pads quickly and I chose to work on what everyone clearly wanted. We also got a large portion of our celebration chart done and it has been fun to watch us jump from less costly activities to larger ones as we get more orders.

Exercising for 130 minutes just doesn't seem feasible. I got close every week but always landed in between 120 and 130. I am still very happy with it though!

Reading through all of Exodus did not happen. We forgot just how many studies we were starting in January and we have been behind in all of them because we are trying to do them all.

So, now it is time to regroup and focus on what I want to accomplish in February.

*The Bible is awesome, but we are being overwhelmed with information right now and don't have time for them all. So, we will put our reading of the whole bible on hold until we get a break and leave our Sunday school study to Sunday morning. That leaves me 2 studies to work on at home, For Women Only and One Minute After You Die. Plus I will still get in an occasional chapter of Manna For Moms just for fun.

*The Crazy Elephant has really picked up the pace! We made a few changes that seem to have worked well. It is very important that I continue to get in at least 2 hours of TCE time each day plus computer and listing time. I would like to continue to see growth so it means it is time to kick it up a notch.

*I have been struggling to get everything in this January. Between Homeschooling, cleaning, cooking, TCE, and outside activities I have been feeling a little stretched. This month I really want to give my daily schedule a fighting chance and remember that I can make changes as needed. I am still trying to get the feel for this staying home thing and each month seems to get more organized and better maintained. With all the things I need to get done a schedule is going to be important so that things don't get missed.

That's about it for me. It's another month and I am sure each day will have a new surprise, be it good or bad. Are any of you adding a new goal for your month?

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