Friday, January 27, 2012

Mr. Snowman

Wednesday was just beautiful! It got up to 35 degrees in our nick of MN and it was an early release For Jayne's uncles (17 and 11). Plus, it was Adam's day off. So all of the boys went sledding while I did some fabric cutting. Before the left they helped Jayne make a great snowman with the snowman building set my mom gave him. Here are a couple of pics to enjoy...
A shot from the garage window.

Jayne poses with his snowman.


Sally@threeblondeboyz said...

What a darling little snowman! Looks like such fun over there. It's back to 80'sF here in Florida and I do miss the snow back in the U.K (nothing else though). Thanks for sharing, Sally @ Enlightenment for the sleepy xxx

hoffee and a nuffin said...

You have a VERY handsome snowman. Jayne is, of course, super adorable, too!