Tuesday, June 12, 2012

A Day at the Campground

We had so much fun! It felt great knowing that we would still be on vacation when the trip was over. It made it possible to really enjoy every minute of the trip...except sleeping as you may know from yesterday's post. We were camping with my moms in step group and there were only 3 families camping both nights, including us. It worked out great for us because we are really not big group people. We like to be more 1 on 1 and the turn out was absolutely perfect for us. There was so much to do, so here is a taste of our trip:

 The kids played in the spring. Little Guy got upset because it was wet. He did let me get this great shot for his birthday invites though.
We got him on a horse! He wasn't entirely sure about it, but when we were don't he asked when he could go on the pony ride. I told him that was the pony ride and he said, "That was the horsie ride!"

He asked me a few months ago what kind of car his great great great grandpa would have driven which resulted in our reading little house in the big woods. I was really excited to be able to show him a great great great grandpa "car" in person and we even got a photo.

This was probably the highlight of the trip, if you don't count a horse peeing in front of the kids. We watched The Secret World of Arrietty outside. Adam cooked popcorn over the fire in the popcorn maker handed down from my grandmother. It was just a great trip! I think my allergies flared up especially bad because of the horses, but the weekend was still fantastic. Tomorrow we are biking to the hotel and I am sure it will be just as wonderful. I can't wait to share that trip too!

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