Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Winter is Coming

That's right! It comes without much bother to most people. Not for us. I may or may not have shared in March that we sold our car, our only car. People, not us, freaked out a little bit. "What will you do?" "how will you get places?" The list goes on. My Mother even called to let us know we can have my brother's car for the year since he is in Germany that long. Sigh...

The last few months have been wonderful and I think it is hard for others to understand that we made this choice not out of financial need, but because we simply wanted to simplify our life a little. We don't shop as much, when we go places it is special. We have become more active in our church and have had time for local events. The financial gain was a nice perk, but not the reason.

As I mentioned, winter is coming. So, what happens to us then? Absolutely nothing different. We walked everywhere last winter, even with a car, and we will do it again. The only issue we thought we might have was groceries. We can't bike the kid carrier to the grocery store when it starts snowing. Oh, no! We will die without food! Yes, in my not so infinite wisdom, I was in fact able to think of that back in June and we gradually built our supplies of storable food. Our pantry is now full and Adam, being a grocery store employee, can pick up the other odds and ends on his way home from work over the course of the week.

We had to plan out our winter. Do any of you do winter planning?

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