Thursday, February 14, 2013

God Made Me

*For the men that read my blog, this is a warning...I will be discussing "lady issues"*

I want to thank everyone who has been praying for me this last week! For those of you who don't know I went to the doctor last week and then waited patiently till yesterday for an ultrasound to see if I have fibroids. It was incredibly uncomfortable and I left with no information at all, which was very disheartening. This morning I got the call from my very confused doctor. I could tell by the tone of his voice that he had no idea how my body works. My ultrasound came back perfectly normal. He thought maybe my uterus felt enlarged because it is tilted abnormally, but no, that wasn't it either. He said I look absolutely and undeniably normal in every way and to have fun on our journey to try for another baby.

God told me something very important today, "I made you! If I wanted you to be just like everyone else, I would have made you that way!" No doctor will ever be able to figure out why Aunt flow will visit for 3 solid months or not show up for months at a time. It is just the way God made me. There is no medical reason why it is uncomfortable to have pressure on my lower abs, the main reason that I don't like wearing jeans. God made me this way. He did not make a mistake and there is nothing to fix, as proven by internal photographs.

This has been an "a-ha" kind of day. I need to stop thinking about my body in light of what is "normal" and start doing what is best just for me. I have always disliked shopping because I rarely find things that actually feel comfortable for me. It is time for me to start focusing on what actually works for me. I don't have to wear what everyone else wears. I don't have to exercise the same way. And I will never have the same "flow". God made me ME and not someone else! We should all learn to embrace and work with the ME that god made for each of us. Why do we all try so hard to be the ME that God made someone else? If he wanted me to be you, then he wouldn't have made me ME!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Glad to hear everything was okay from a medical standpoint. I've been thinking of you and praying. And glad to hear that you will still be able to keep trying for another little one :-)