Wednesday, October 08, 2014

The Marjoram-Ipecac Experience

***This is a public service announcement***

My son cannot eat foods that contain the seasoning: Marjoram!

It will induce vomiting between 9 and 10 hours after eating it.

Thank you!

Marjoram-spiceIt has already been a roll with the punches kind of week. Our schedule and routine has been up in the air since finding out one week ago that Adam's grandma was dying. Since her death Friday afternoon we have been busy helping his mom with funeral arrangements. We made posters, drove to pick up Jayne's uncle from college, and last night attended the wake. Adam's parents were kind enough to bring cheese, meat, and bought gluten free crackers for us to have as a snack at the wake since we went there straight from our drive to and from Lacrosse. We thought it was very nice of them and thought nothing of it.

Come 4:00 am we burst out of bed to help our poor vomiting son. Apparently, we have not told them about Jayne's marjoram issue. We figured this out a couple of years ago that Jayne will vomit, usually twice, 9-10 hours after eating food containing marjoram. Generally he doesn't like the taste of it and complains about eating it. This seasoning can be found most often in Italian seasoning blends, red sauces, and sausages like kielbasa and summer sausage. The thing is that salami is fine and we thought that was what we were eating, but no.

So here I am at 6:00 am still wide awake. On the up side I had time to read my Bible devotional, Bible reading, and chapter 7 of No More Perfect Moms, which is ironically entitled "No More Perfect Days". Today has certainly been far from perfect but nothing a nap after the funeral can't fix. We also learned a very important lesson, pay more attention to what our son is eating and also to make sure he knows what to avoid. He is very good about avoiding gluten because he is well informed, but we just don't encounter marjoram as much so we have failed to keep him well informed.

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