Tuesday, November 04, 2014

Oh, To Sleep

IMG_1435Well, I have been up for an hour now. I don't think I am likely to get any more sleep tonight. The 3:00 am hour is becoming far to familiar to my liking lately. That used to be the hour my baby would wake each night. Now it is the hour that I wake up and can't turn off my brain. The last couple of weeks I have been frequenting 3:00, and what keeps me up? It's to do lists and excitement like Christmas morning.

This particular morning was a combination of apartments and shovels. Our team is looking at an apartment today that I especially like. I can't wait to see it and that is what I woke up thinking about. Logically, of course, waking up that early means I have to consciously wait that much longer, good going brain. "Day" dreaming about what this apartment would be like got me thinking about the snow on the steps of the apartment and that it might be a good idea to have a shovel since the owner of the apartment would most likely not be standing there shoveling off every speck of snow during every bit of snow fall. Then I began to wonder if we made sure to keep one small shovel. I deduced that we had not, because we gave them all to a local church that needed them. After that I thought about how a shovel might come in handy as we drive 1200 miles in January with a U-Haul. Then I wondered if a shovel would actually do us any good if we needed it since we have never had to dig ourselves out of a ditch before. So while we wait by the side of the snowy road we could give a mouse a cookie.

After a quick bathroom break, Adam rolled over and said, "You're awake too?" Yes, unfortunately I was. Thank goodness I wasn't the one who woke him up because the poor guy's alarm was going off at 4:00 am anyway. We had the morning to talk, which was nice. Maybe when all the details are in place, and we are simply waiting to leave, we will be able to get a full night sleep again...or maybe I'm just daydreaming again. In the meantime, I am grateful to have a 7 year old who will generally let me take a nap if I need one.

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