Showing posts with label meals. Show all posts
Showing posts with label meals. Show all posts

Thursday, October 02, 2014

The Kitchen Ecosystem: A Book Review

9780385345125A large box came in the mail. What is this?! it was The Kitchen Ecosystem by Eugenia Bone. The box and mounds of bubble wrap were a bit much, but the book did come in pristine condition. It is quite the heavy tome. The cover is beautiful and the pictures throughout are wonderful. The introduction was very inspirational. It really got me thinking about how I have and can use so many of the food things I tend to toss out from bones to carrot tops. Eugenia talks about creating your own kitchen ecosystem where your meals are interconnected with each other and where there is less waste. I love the concept. I can't wait to implement it in my own kitchen, when I finally have one again.

I know many people who would love this book. It has creative recipes and they look mouthwatering. The problem that I have is that so many of the "staple" ingredients in her book are not available in our small town grocery store. Corn, check. Carrots, check. Chicken, check. Lobster, duck, fennel, not so much. The likelihood that I would be able to make many of these recipes is very slim. The one thing I really liked in this book was the variety of broth and stock recipes that can use leftover bits and bones. It is an awefully big book to keep around for that handful of recipes though.

I am inspired by the concept of this book. I plan to take Eugenia Bone's advice and create an ecosystem in my kitchen. I plan to use my own recipes with the foods available in my area. She doesn't recommend simply following her recipes, she wants you to create an ecosystem of your own and is simply showing how she has done it. In concept I give this book a 5 out of 5, but if I had purchased this book for myself, I would have been sorely disappointed. So, I will average it out with a midrange 3.

I received this book from Blogging for Books for this review.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

August Menu

I just finished up our August menu. I haven't really shared over the summer since we already lost one computer to the heat, I was not going to push it with the last working computer in our house. This menu is also starting on our first month of school. The quick and easy method of many of the recipes will be great as we get the swing of kindergarten.

SundaysHay Stacks (All Recipes App)
Hamburger Casserole (Quick and Easy Crock Pot Recipes Kindle book)

Tuna Cheese Quesadillas

Cold Cut Spirals
Beef Salad


Cheeseburger Quesadillas
Chow Mein (Jayne has decided this is his fave)

Cold Cut Spirals
Cheese and Veggie Casserole (Quick and Easy Crock Pot Recipes)

Pizza Quesadillas
Baked Spam

Tuesday, May 01, 2012

May Menu

I have a few changes to our menu this month! It will be nice to have a few new things to eat again. Here is what we are having each week.

Beef Salad

PB & J

Cold Cut Spirals

Fried Meatloaf

Tuna Cheese Quesadillas
Wagon Train Pasta

Cheeseburger Quesadillas
Teriyaki Veggies and Rice

Pizza Quesadillas
Baked Spam

All Recipes App: Wagon Train Pasta
Cozi organizer app: Teriyaki Veggies

For the fried meatloaf we are doing the meatloaf in hamburger size/shape. We love Adam's meatloaf but it is getting warmer and since we don't have AC we won't want to be using the oven. My idea is to fry it up like hamburgers instead. I will have to let you all know how it goes!

Tuesday, March 06, 2012

Going Bento

I have been lurking on the Bent on Better Lunches blog for a while now and with our new meal plan, I can finally give them a go myself! If you want to see some fantastically creative lunches you should check out her blog. Here are my first 2 bentos...
Beef Salad, carrots with dip, and pineapple with grapes

Tuna and Cheese Quesadillas, Mozzerella heart, pineapple with kiwi, and butterscotch pudding

Saturday, March 03, 2012

March Menu

It seems that sharing my menu last month was a big hit! So, I will keep on sharing. This month Adam wanted us to go mostly gluten free. This means big changes to our menu this month. I also decided that it might be a good idea to stop having supper type meals for both lunch and supper. That means more of a pack it to go friendly lunch. Here is what we are having...

Lunch: Beef Salad (from my diabetic cookbook, no I'm not but I did have gestational diabetes)
Supper: Slow Cooker Chicken and Veggies

Lunch: Soup
Supper: PB&J (Adam closes, so we have our "lunch" meal in the evening)

Lunch: Tuna Cheese Quesadillas
Supper: Honey Sesame Chicken

Lunch: Slow Cooker Lasagna
Supper: Corn Dog Muffins

Lunch: Cheeseburger Quesadillas
Supper: Slow Cooker Sausage and Potatoes

Lunch: Cold Cut Spirals
Supper: Poor Man's Meal

Lunch: Pizza Quesadillas
Supper: Baked Spam (great recipe from our last trip to the Spam Museum)

A little recipe link up for you...

Six Sister's Stuff:
Honey Sesame Chicken

Thank you Pintrest!
Corn Dog Muffins

Depression Cooking With Clara
Poor Man's Meal
(Clara has some great frugal recipes and you learn a little about the depression while you watch her cook)

Friday, February 03, 2012

I Heart Quesadillas

In other words, I have turned quesadillas into heart! We made them the other day and they were quite tasty. They were even better than I thought they would be. I had nothing ot go on. I just tossed some things together and it turned out. Our quesadillas had tuna, cheddar, and a touch of pepper and garlic salt. Then it was time for the fun stuff. Adam's were made into hearts since I love him so much and they got packed up for him to take to work. Jayne got a car and a plane, not that I don't love him, he just likes cars and planes. I used some cookie cutters to make them and it worked great. They were a little harder to cut throuhg than I thought they would be, but not bad.
Adam's hearts

Jayne's car and plane, plus some tasty corn!

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Hot Dog Mac

 Hot dogs + mac = goodness
Jayne loves mac and cheese! It is one of his favorite foods. There is something about it that kids just love. Plain Jane mac and cheese is a little boring for me and doesn't stretch very far on it's own. We tend to experiment with ours. Most of the time we use part of the pack of cheese mix and some Velveeta. The rest of the cheese pack goes on pop corn for a snack later because your cheese packet is exactly the same as what is in a bottle of mac and cheese pop corn sprinkle. A lot of the time we add in some hot dogs or homemade bacon bits and either corn or green beans, Jayne's pick. But sometimes we change it completely and just use the noodles.

I thought I would share my latest mac and cheese concoction. I was in the mood for hot dog but did not have any buns...So, I made what was basically a hot dog hot dish. I cooked the mac and cheese and drained it like normal. I melted about 2T of butter and tossed the mac back in with it. Then in went the cut up hot dogs, some ketchup and mustard to taste, and about a quarter cup of homemade pickle relish drained. You know what? It tasted just like having a hot dog!

Do you do anything fun and interesting with your mac and cheese? I would love to hear about it!