In the last 4 weeks of our summer break we are going to be doing lots of reading and swimming at the pool. Our book reading slowed after we started The Borrowers. The book is quite a bit slower than the movie and Jayne just wasn't connecting with it. Today we started Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and it is a huge hit! It is very readable and has a couple of pictures per chapter to keep his mind from wandering so much. He loves the movies and can't wait to compare them to the book.
As we are getting ready to get started for the school year, I came across the "So You Wanna Homeschool Class" I signed up and am going to give it a try. I found it on and here is a little of what they are going to cover during the 1 week online class:
- How to find the legal requirements in your area and fulfill those
- How to find and choose curricula and other resources that work with your values, style, and needs
- Specific ways to organize your homeschooling materials
- The secret to successful homeschool planning and goal-setting
- Stellar record-keeping techniques
- Where to find your people {how to build your support system}
- The things nobody tells you to do during your first week of homeschooling
I am really looking forward to the class and learning some new things to grow my homeschool confidence. If you want to join me, I am in the very first class, which is also half off and comes with a free copy of the book I might add!
Here is The Class link: