Showing posts with label washing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label washing. Show all posts

Friday, December 23, 2011

Inspiration Needed!

The last few weeks have been crazy and we have had so many events to go to. One huge problem I am running into is that things have been piling up every week. It seems like no matter what I do I cannot get the house done lately. Yesterday I was not feeling well and took it easy for the day. Sometimes you just have to. Today I have gotten caught up on everything except my old enemy...dishes!

Normally they get done on a daily basis. I wash them and dry them and get them put away. It is a pretty easy job to do, on a daily basis. We have had so much going on this month though that it has been several days worth at a time and with holiday related cooking, it seems like the pile of dishes to do is never ending. I did the dishes on Saturday and now on Friday the whole counter is covered. In our small kitchen it is a cycle of wash, dry, put away. I can get throught the cycle about 3 times before the water is cold, if I am lucky.

I am just having a hard time staying motivated this month. My brain feels like sludge and I just plain don't want to put in the hour or more it will take to do this job. So, here I am, waiting for the motivated homemaker in me to step it up a bit and get started on the massive pile of dishes. In the meantime, I got a blog post in...that's good right?

What job gets you in a rut?