Showing posts with label work. Show all posts
Showing posts with label work. Show all posts

Friday, July 29, 2011

Goals for August

This month is a little short. We still have a lot going on. Jayne's and The Crazy Elephant's birthdays are both this month and it is bound to be exciting. I am still working with the itemized goals from last month and will continue to do so. I am mainly concerned about these 3 overall items...

*Get more exercise. That is a whole family effort. We have put a daily 30 minute dog walk into our routine and plan on having another hour of outside time, when we can, for Jayne as well. We spend too much time staying cool/warm in our house year round. It doesn't help that Adam and I are very much inside people as well.

*Check off my planner. I have gone through the entire month of august and written down all I want to accomplish. I can check off each item as I go. The items include household chores, Crazy Elephant work, and blogging. I am hoping to check off every single item on my planner.

*Finish getting ready for school. If I can get 2 weeks of school prepped per week, I can get the whole school year planned out before school starts. Of course there will be changes over time, but the groundwork will have been laid.

I am really excited for this last month of summer! How are you going to spend it?

Tuesday, July 05, 2011

Goals for July

It is time to come up with goals for the month. So, here goes...

Family: Spend more time together and try to take things a little more slowly. Also we are going to WI Dells for 3 days next week with my family.

Home: Just stay on track. Keep extra good care of the garden. Stay on top of the vacuuming to keep down on the earwigs. We don't want another invasion like last year! So far the cleaner house and weekly vacuuming is really helping.

Homeschool: Keep working on setting up Jayne's school year. I have 3 months ready to go. I would like to get a minimum of 8 weeks put together this month. Also, keep plugging away at head of the class.

The Crazy Elephant: Keep up with my 4 listings a week (not including the holiday and vacation weeks) and set aside at least one hour a week to create.

Blogging: The plan is to make my homeschool fun, stretch it, and collection posts a weekly thing with other posts (TCE updates, meme's (mommy to Jayne) day, and handmade finds, ect) mixed in.

Work: Attend

Money: Keep making it and paying down our bills. We are so very close and have worked so hard to get them down. We are also going to try to keep our vacation spending to a bare minimum. I will definitely update you all on how that goes...hopefully well.

What kinds of goals do you have? Feel free to leave a comment and share. Writing it down for others to see is a great way to keep yourself on track. You can also comment with a link to your own post about goals. Good luck everyone and stick with it!