Showing posts with label world. Show all posts
Showing posts with label world. Show all posts

Monday, February 02, 2015

World Travels France Letter


World Travels With

Written by Michelle Morgan for her son

For private use only, you may print and use in your own homeschool. Do not copy or replicate without express permission. Copyright Michelle Morgan 2015

Find the rest of our series here.



Dinah and I enjoyed our first trip on the hot air balloon so much! It was amazing seeing the earth from so high up. We floated through the sky for a very long time, going wherever the wind blew. The wind brought us from the United States of America, across the Atlantic Ocean, to a huge city!

Standing in the middle of the skyline was an incredible tower, the Eiffel Tower. We saw so many cafes, bakeries, and architecture. In Paris, France there is so much to see and I wanted to see it all.

Dinah reminded me that not everyone can see the sights that we were able to see. She told me that about 200 years ago there was a boy named Louis Braille. He lived here in France. When he was just three years old, he had an accident in his father's workshop that caused him to be blind. As he grew up, the one thing he wanted to do was read. Louis left his family to attend a school for the blind in Paris.

In Paris, he was able to learn to read. The letters were raised so he could read with his fingers. There weren't many books to read though. Louis began to think of a new way for the blind to read, a way that could make books for the blind easier to make and to read. He created the Braille Alphabet Code. Each letter was made with a series of dots that are easy to create, feel, and read. Braille's alphabet is still being used by the blind today.

I can't wait to learn more about countries all over the world. They are all bound to have their own amazing stories.

Till next time,


Image via Nicole Codega


France is our first stop on our study around the world. Netflix and Amazon Instant Video should be great resources to find documentaries about Paris and France as a whole. This is your chance to break out your flag sticker book for the first time too. At my house, we put the big flag for the country in our passport and the little flag on or near the country in the book. Then we color in the country. Here are some other things you can add to make your study of France more enjoyable and hands on.

Monday, September 29, 2014

World Travels in the Works

worldTravelsWorld Travels with Delbert and Dinah has been a very fun part of our homeschool in the past. I already mentioned that I will be bringing the series back. I have spent a long time thinking about what I want to do with it. There are countries to choose, artwork to make, and words to write. I made the decision to re-write the previous posts, add the new countries, and make it into a pdf book. I still plan to post it on the blog, but a pdf book will put all the information into one easy to read spot.

There will be some other changes as well. Instead of using photos, I will be creating original artwork for each country. Delbert and Dinah will be sharing geography from a Biblical view. They will share stories of missionaries, historical significance of the areas they visit, and Christianity in the area. Not all of these will be in every story, but I want it to be the underlying theme that binds them all together. The letters will still be fun to read and not too heavy for smaller kids. I may also rearrange the countries so they follow a more route like flight instead of the random line they once were.political_world_map_1200

It will take a while to put them all together, but I hope to post the studies along the way. Did you want to know the countries we will be covering? Here they are:





Easter Island


Hong Kong (possibly, since they are technically part of China)








*Saudi Arabia


*Starting Letter


*(from first series)

This would make a total of 18 months of geography letters. I hope you are excited about them as I am!

Thursday, August 28, 2014

World Travels With Delbert and Dinah

When we did kindergarten we selected Little Passports as part of our curriculum. We really loved it and Jayne loved getting a package in the mail every month. Then we had some big life changes and knew that it just wasn't in our budget. So we finished the second half of the school year by creating a DIY Little Passports type series called World Travels With Delbert and Dinah. It was a hit with our son and with our readers.

We stopped when kindergarten was over because our little guy's interests had moved from geography to math, go figure. Below I have the entire series linked. As we near our move to a new country, geography is beginning to perk our son's interests again. So, we are considering bringing the series back. What do you think? Would you like to see us bring it back?

World Travels: Introduction

World Travels: Guatemala

World Travels: The Netherlands

World Travels: Ireland

World Travels: Saudi Arabia

World Travels: Australia



Wednesday, May 01, 2013

World Travels: Australia

G'day Mate!

Our last adventure was very dry in the desert, but this time we found ourselves wet, wet, wet! We landed our balloon in Australia. Not on the western side, because that is mostly desert and we had just come from one of those. We landed on the eastern side of the country where most of the people live. Did you know that Australia is a country and a continent?

We met a visitor to the eastern shore, Adam. He was about to head out into the water to explore the Great Barrier Reef. Adam invited us to go with him and we couldn't resist. We rode with him on a boat to get to the reef.

We snorkeled in the water. It is kind of like swimming with a giant straw in your mouth so you can keep breathing while you swim. Delbert took a huge breath and swam 35 feet under the surface to see the sharks, but I liked staying near the top. The sharks in the reef were very friendly and safe to swim with. We saw a lot of beautiful and big fish. After a while a deadly water snake came along and we all had to get out of the water. 

We had a great time exploring with Adam. We even found some itty bitty fish toys to play with as we float away to our next great adventure. See you then!

Mister's own dad went to this country so we already have some fun stuff to play with. We have a bull whip, an alligator skin bracelet, and a boomerang. We are still getting a fun goody for him too though and we are sticking to our squinkie theme because he just loves them and he uses the zinkies a lot for math. He will also get to hear lots of stories from his daddy's trip. We will only have our Amazon Prime membership for 1 more week, so we may not get any videos in. He will have a blast tossing the boomerang around and hearing lots of stories though.

The picture this month is from here:
Poor Adam didn't get a single good shot on his trip of the reef.