Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Holiday Showcase: Morning Star Arts

What kinds of fabulous goodies to you carry?
I started my store several years ago with my own jewelry designs ; since then I have added my husband John's copper & enameled kaleidoscopes and his beautiful glass & mirror boxes with colorful foreign currency encased in the lids. Most recently, I have taken up needle felting and have added upcycled sweaters, jackets, and vests with needle felting and other embellishment. I'm very excited about these, and they are a nice compliment to the jewelry.

What inspires your work?
Colors and supplies! I absolutely love color and texture and just seeing an unexpected color combination makes me want to create. Often while cleaning out and sorting my supplies, I see new combinations to work with. Needless to say, a visit to the fiber store or a bead sale sends me into a creative tailspin!

Why is handmade important to you?
Firstly, because I'm part of a somewhat "do-it-yourself" family: Until recently, I taught our boys at home, we've had a tradition of handmade gifting for years, we butcher (and sometimes raise) our own meat, grow and can our own salsa, and so on. So you could say handmade comes naturally.
I also like the philosophy of handmade and buying "locally"--meaning from the etsy community:^). And thirdly, handmade helps support diversity and variety; as much as many things must be bought at "big box" stores, at least where possible we can support a "real" person's endeavors and get something one-of-a-kind.

Share a handmade gift that anyone can do!
Stuffed felt ornaments: You can use cookie cutters as templates and cut two matching shapes out of felt. Paint, embroider, or sew/glue on embellishments--ribbon, beads, buttons, felt shapes, etc.--and then sew the edges together except about 1.5". (Stitch a ribbon loop into the seam at the top, if desired). Stuff with whatever stuffing is handy, and sew the opening shut.

Lastly, where can we find you?
Physically, I'm in rural Minnesota; in the ether, you can find my store at http://www.morningstararts.etsy.com/ and my facebook page is http://www.facebook.com/MorningStarArts.

1 comment:

Amy said...

Coupon code for 15% off at MorningStarArts, good until 1/15/11, "Noel10".