Tuesday, February 08, 2011

Oh My!

Have I been busy or what? I finished my little custom order this morning and actually finished my goal for the day on my huge crayon roll order! I am really excited about that because it means I might be able to get a little ahead. My goal was to finish all 16 monster rolls in 2 weeks and I do believe I could finish a day early. I had forgotten how time consuming they are to make when I made the 2 week deadline but found that it would be exactly the right amount of time. I can get the last 8 pinned together today and, if not tonight, be able to sew them tomorrow thus finishing 1 day early, YAY! I am really excited about this project, not just because of the size of the order. It gave me some serious motivation to hit the sewing machine again. After having had about 2-3 months without creating anything new, it pushed me to start again and I am looking forward to working on some fun new projects now.

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