Tuesday, August 30, 2011

The School Year Routine

Jayne does his sensory bin in his school
Yesterday was the official start of the school year for us. The loosey goosey summer approach has hit its end. I feel really good with the routine that we are starting this fall. We are organized and getting things done this year. It is the first fall that I haven't been working full time hours. My days are all spent here at home working on our home, school, and boutique, plus my daycare kiddo a couple of hours a day. I thought I would share our daily schedule. It varies slightly depending on when Adam works.

7:00a - Wake up and dressed
7:30a - Breakfast
8:00a - Calendar and worksheet time
8:30a - Activities (such as sensory bin and size sorter etc.)
9:00a - Dog walk or indoor exercise depending on weather
9:30a -Story Time
10:00a - Free play hour for Jayne, dishes, chores and cooking for me
11:00a - Lunch time
12:00p - Art time
12:30p - Story time
1:00p - Time to finish unfinished school work and do the day's chore
2:00p - Nap/resting time
3:30p - Games and songs
4:00p - Same as 10:00a
5:00p - Supper
6:00p - Outside play, but sometimes movies or inside play
7:00p - Pick up
7:30p - Bedtime routine for Jayne
8:00p - Jayne goes to bed...it is GROWN UP TIME!

It is pretty well booked and looks like a pretty strict schedule, but it does keep us focused and we are fine with routine changes when things come up. I am excited to see how this new year (lets face it, when school is involved, this is the new year) pans out. I expect many good changes, fun and educational growth to come our way!

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