Sunday, February 05, 2012

Homeschool Fun: Doctor

This week was very light. We did the preschool pack from Homeschool Creations. Jayne anjoyed it and I liked taking a bit of a break in intensity. He liked making the band aid book a lot. What's not to like about cutting and glueing, right? We played go fish with the doctor cards from the pack and memory with the shadow matching cards. We had the sensory bin filled with "patients" otherwise known as beanie babies and fleece band aids. The band aids were super easy to make and I was able to use tan fleece scraps from making pads for The Crazy Elephant. I can say that I found the idea for them on pintrest, though mine were a simplified version. It was another great week in the classroom with my little guy!
Jayne fixes up Ziggy Zebra

Many happily bandaged patient!

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