Saturday, September 29, 2012

Pizza Day

It is Saturday and in our house that means pizza day! Normally I make 1 very large pizza and we have half for lunch and the rest for supper. Last night at the grocery store Jayne really wanted to have  Lunchables pizza packs. You know the ones with the little crusts and you build your pizza with lots of highly processed foods and cheese flavored shreds. I said yes. Before you get to thinking that I bought us a pile of Lunchables, I made it from scratch! Instead of using my crust for a huge pizza I made little ones and baked it on it's own. Then we built our pizzas with real cheese, sauce, and pepperoni  Jayne loved it! It was a lot more work than 1 pizza, but it was fun and tasted great. Here is a pic of our extra special pizza day...

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