Showing posts with label morgans bubble. Show all posts
Showing posts with label morgans bubble. Show all posts

Monday, October 15, 2012


Have you missed me? I have! Last Sunday I pulled into the driveway with our dog in the kid carrier. It hit the curb and flipped. The dog is fine, but I came out with a sprained right wrist. That means I can do very little, typing included. I did want to pop in and say hello though and share a bit of what we have been doing the last couple of weeks...
Jayne makes a ruff for history class

Halloween decor went up

Jayne and I made this just days before the sprain...thank you pintrest!

Jayne learns about cells!

on the left is the animal cell, on the right is the plant cell. Our organelles are dried currants and the nucleus is a prune.

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Pizza Day

It is Saturday and in our house that means pizza day! Normally I make 1 very large pizza and we have half for lunch and the rest for supper. Last night at the grocery store Jayne really wanted to have  Lunchables pizza packs. You know the ones with the little crusts and you build your pizza with lots of highly processed foods and cheese flavored shreds. I said yes. Before you get to thinking that I bought us a pile of Lunchables, I made it from scratch! Instead of using my crust for a huge pizza I made little ones and baked it on it's own. Then we built our pizzas with real cheese, sauce, and pepperoni  Jayne loved it! It was a lot more work than 1 pizza, but it was fun and tasted great. Here is a pic of our extra special pizza day...

Friday, September 21, 2012

Oh What a Week

Sewing his pouch pocket
A fun week, that is! Our school week has been just great. We did an especially large amount of hands on activities this week and that may have been a part of it. We learned all about living in medieval times, castles, bathrooms, food and the like. He always wants to know about the bathrooms each time period uses and he has yet to be disappointed by the information. Jayne even got to try his hand at swing his own pouch (pocket) like they used to wear.

In science we spent a lot of time learning about the ocean. We learned about waves, the tide, and coasts. Jayne saw a glimpse of how waves work when we made a wave bottle. He also got to see how things freeze and melt. We put some fun stuff n the ice tray in the freezer and some ice cubes insulated and not insulated mugs.
The wave bottle
Our little Passports came in this week too. Sam and Sophia went to Japan this month. Jayne got a little sushi eraser and an origami set. We made a book all about Japan and spent a lot of time folding paper.
Origami galore! You can tel which is mine by drawing ability only.
This week we finished reading Th Hundred Dresses. This book did not keep Little Guy's attention like the last 2 books did, but t did teach some great lessons that we have already been able to apply in real life. We will be reading The Family Under the Bridge next. This should be good! I just hope it draws him in better than the last one.