Showing posts with label super hero. Show all posts
Showing posts with label super hero. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

The Super Hero Roll

Play mat side
The super hero roll is perfect for your little guy's little imaginext heros. There is space for 4 mini action figures plus it opens out into a city scape playmat! It is easy to use. Just put your heros and villians in the pocket, fold it in half and roll it up. It stays put with a ribbon tie. The super hero rolls are made of felt that is made of 100% recycled bottles, so they are earth friendly as well as child friendly.

Jayne plays Batman
The city scape is entirely hand embroidered so every roll is an individual. The signal in the sky is custom made with the monogram of your choice. Jayne was so excited about it, asking me when it was going to be ready. I gave it to him this morning and he had the biggest smile. He even figured out that he could match up the car roll road with the city street, something I did not do intentionally! Now him and his Daddy are playing batman on his new roll. We will be bringing this bad boy with us to the wedding we are going to this weekend!

Jayne connects the hero roll and his car roll

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Homeschool Fun: Batman

Jayne marks the letters with his guys
This week was Batman week. Jayne had a blast setting up for this one. He set up all his Batman guys in his classroom and even used them for the alphabet game shown. The preschool pack we used this week is from 1+1+1=1 and was great. Jayne's favorite were the alphabet hunt and the color matching game. We played the matching game like go fish. We definitely have a card player in the making. He is starting to get better about staying in the lines when he colors. As an artist, I am all for thinking outside the lines, but you do have to be capable of staying in the lines. Master the basics then experiment. His handwriting is improving with each week too. He has even been doing more freehand and can write his name without looking at a reference now, if you tell him what letter to write next.

I made him a batman cape as part of the school fun and Adam knitted him a batman mask. He has been wearing them ever since. They instigated an enormous amount of imaginative play. Adam will be relieved when it dies down. People tend to describe Jayne as energetic and he fits that to a T! He also started Cubbies this week at Awanas. He really loved it. He likes his special little vest and work book. Now Cubbies lessons are part of our school routine. Next week we are doing robots. The school year is flying by already!
Batman lurks through the house