Showing posts with label tyndale blog network. Show all posts
Showing posts with label tyndale blog network. Show all posts

Thursday, November 02, 2017

Picturing Heaven Coloring Book Review

I love a good coloring book! Picturing Heaven is a beautiful book. At first I was a little put off by the fact that all the pictures have some filled sections of gold. I am finding that I don't mind the pre-filled sections as much as I thought I would. The artwork is gorgeous. I like all the tiny details to color. The devotions are short and simple. They are well written and definitely inspire the artwork. While it is a beautiful coloring book, it doesn't stand out from others that I have. I am enjoying coloring in it and my sons are too. If you are looking for an adult coloring book, this one is great.

Tyndale House Publishers has provided me with a complimentary copy of this book.

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Tora Fright Patches Things Up Review

While the writing style is not my favorite, I really like this little picture book. The artwork is beautiful and fairly similar to my style. The quality of the book is very high. The shining star is the message of the story though. Tora's baby brother breaks her prize winning sculpture. She has to learn to forgive and does so in the sweetest way. I am not sure I would pick up another in the Prayer Monsters series. If there is another with an issue that pertains to my family, I would certainly consider it as the subject is presented in such an understandable way.

Tyndale House Publishers has provided me with a complimentary copy of this book

Friday, May 30, 2014

A Life of Miracles: A Book Review

When I saw the description of this book I knew I needed to read it. What I didn't know was that God would use this book to speak to me and my family. Most good books I simply devour, but this one has not been the case. God has put on my heart when to read this book and when not to. I have simply been following His nudges.

Don's family is following God's calling in their lives. As a missionary preparing to leave for the field I relate so much. In the book Don says, "God puts yearnings in our hearts that we cannot always define, and He brings these longings to life in His time. But, to be honest, it can be pretty depressing and miserable as we wait." This is where we are at right now. I entirely agree with Don. Sometimes I, as he does in his book, wonder why on earth God needs me in a certain place at a certain time or why we can't just go to our Montreal mission field now, because we are ready. This book has been a great reminder of how important it is that we continue to follow and obey God every day, even when we would rather go back to a "normal" life at times.

I am not done with the book, though I am about two-thirds of the way there. I look forward to finishing it so I can share it with my husband. When I was having conversations with God about another child, he led me to a chapter with a similar story (more about this event here: When I felt like no one else has ever had to struggle with moving back in with their parents, there was another chapter of this book. It has been such a blessing and encouragement to have had the chance to read this book. My hope is that God would use this book to encourage my husband and others as well.

Tyndale House Publishers has provided me with a complimentary copy of this book.

Friday, January 03, 2014

The Wayfinding Bible: A Book Review

I think I have a new favorite reading Bible and it is The Wayfinding Bible. This Bible is incredibly well done. I am so impressed by all it's features. The Wayfinding Bible has many reading paths for you to choose from. Each path is color coded throughout the Bible so you always know where the passages on your path start and end. You can choose from a short overview of the Bible in 54 readings, a medium length run through with 215 readings, or the scenic route which goes into more depth with 386 readings. I had such a hard time choosing and finally went with the scenic route, which covers all the important stories but leaves out quite a lot of genealogy and repetition. You can also take in the whole Bible with the reading plan in the very back of the book.

The reading plans are not all this Bible has to offer though. Throughout the book there are timelines, pictures and maps. There is information about what was happening in the world as the story is happening. There are pictures and diagrams of important structures and how they may have looked. For instance, there is a fantastic diagram of Noah's Ark, including how its size compares to other famous ships. At the beginning of each book of the Bible there is a section that shows how Jesus is connected to the story within.

This Bible does a fantastic job of pulling the reader in and helping them to be absorbed by the word of God. It is put together with the New Living Translation, which is not my favorite, but is so easy to read. It will not replace my favorite versions for deep study, but for simply reading and enjoying the word of God, it is fantastic. I am also partial to hardcover so I am not digging the softcover on my copy. Even the soft cover cannot take away my overall love of this Bible though. I will be reading and rereading it for years.

I received a free copy of this Bible to review from Tyndale House Publishers.

The Wayfinding Bible book trailer:

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Epic Grace: a Book Review

Epic Grace: Chronicles of a Recovering Idiot, I simply love the title. Kurt Bubna has a fantastically conversational writing style. Reading this book is almost like having a chat with him, a one sided chat, but a chat nonetheless.

I related so well with this book. We all make so many mistakes in our lives and it is nice to see that someone else is right there in my shoes. One part that touched me the most is the story of how he became a pastor. He didn't think he would ever be a pastor and never wanted to be. Yet, God called him to be a pastor, and now he is. I certainly never thought I would be a missionary. It was not even on my radar. Now here we are preparing our family to leave the country on mission. It is simply amazing to see where God guides your life and how He uses your mistakes. Thank the Lord that His grace is abounding because I don't know what I would ever do if it wasn't.

This is a lovely, touching book. The cover is beautiful and very soft to touch. I definitely recommend reading it.


Tyndale House Publishers has provided me with a complimentary copy of this book to review. 

Monday, April 29, 2013

Hunt For the Devil's Dragon: a Book Review

Hunt for the Devil’s Dragon by Marianne Hering and Wayne Thomas Batson is the first book for young readers that I have had the privilege to review and I must say it was a fantastic way to start. I read this book with my 5 year old son and he was thrilled to find out that there were more in the series. As a 5 year old, he isn't quite read to read this book himself. I love that it says right on the book that the reading level is grade 2.2. That makes it easy to know if this book is at your child's level. He also loved the action . He didn't want me to stop reading at the end of any chapter. We only took a breather because 14 chapters is a lot to read out loud in one sitting.

From my mom's perspective, I liked that the type was large for young readers and that there were beautiful illustrations dotting the book. The series is very similar to The Magic Tree House series. It is so much more in depth though. Instead of simply going on a mission to retrieve an object the go into history to learn valuable life lessons. Their connections with the characters they meet are meaningful and go beyond the surface.

The series is also Christian themed but not all the characters are Christians. In this book Georgius is a Christian Roman guard. We get to see the difficulties he faces being the only Christian in the story. He is also a wonderful example of the way that Christians should behave. Georgius is kind and forgiving even to those who are mean and hurtful. 

We will absolutely be getting more of this series. It is also available on the Kindle which is great for our trying to downsize for our mission trip. I hope the e-book is as stunning as the paperback was. 

Tyndale House Publishers has provided me with a complimentary copy of this book.