Thursday, February 09, 2012

Super Mom Powers Activate

...or not. I'm sure I am not the only mom who ever has their super mom powers go on the fritz. Mine are really out of it right now and I am hoping they return soon! Things have felt simply chaotic around here lately, by lately I mean the last 3 months. I am stretching myself to thin and it not working well for anyone. I don't have anything I am willing to cut out at the moment, so it comes down to rethinking and reworking my time. Here is the list I am working with...
  • House work
  • homeschooling
  • Jayne time
  • Adam time
  • Me time (everyone needs a little)
  • church activities
  • bible study
  • exercise
  • cooking
Those can all fit together fine. But there is one more on the list and it is trying it's hardest to push all the others out of the way!
You see, we had a great holiday season. It was better than ever before and I knew that January would come and things would get "back to normal". The problem is that I was wrong and never could have anticipated the surge in sales. Don't get me wrong, I love it and I love my customers. I wasn't ready for it though and the growth left me struggling for time for the rest of the list.

So, like any good wife I went to my husband for help. Men like to fix things and this was something I wanted fixed. He came up with a great plan and I think it is going to work well. He mentioned that in November I did all my sewing for the whole month at the 3 day retreat I went to. It meant that I didn't need to do much during the rest of the month. No, he isn't sending me away once a month to sew. He did volunteer to have a father son day every Wednesday so that I could do all of my sewing once a week. He also said that they would play in the evening so that I could have uninterrupted computer time each night to work on listing and photo edits and the like.

I was so excited about the support and I think it will work well. My time will be more focused and uninterrupted (mostly) during my work time and since I am not even allowed to think about The Crazy Elephant during non work times, I will be able to focus on the rest of the list and enjoy myself a little. I will also be on the computer less, which is good. Don't worry about a lack of posts though. I am mastering the art of auto posting!

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