Showing posts with label showcase. Show all posts
Showing posts with label showcase. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 06, 2012

Holiday Showcase: Fischer Images

It's time for another showcase! Today is Fischer Images, fine art photography by my fantastically creative Aunt.

Where can we find you?

What is life like in your studio?
My studio is my home office. I have some of my favorite englargements on the walls for inspiration.It is well organized,so I have no distractions when working or creating.
My favorite giftable item in my shop would have to be my book markers, they are waterproof & last almost forever! They can be custom made to fit ages 4 to 99 ! All though all my prints would make great gifts also,with many to choose from.
I love homemade things, knowing that someone put their heart into making it, & knowing I am getting quality work!

Share a handmade gift anyone can make.
These card notes are easy to make & anyone can make them. Take your favorite 4x6 inch photo print. Get some cardstock, sold at most department stores & craft stores. Fold in half, mount (double-sided tape) your picture on the cardstock, Cut any extra cardstock away.(Giving a 1/4 to 1/2 inch border).Personalize your card. Ta-Da you are done!
Here is the link to one of my favorite..

Is there anything else you would like to share?
I live in south-west Wisconsin, I enjoy the beautiful scenery all year long. My husband & I have been married for 32 years. We have two wonderful children, & they have blest us with 5 beautiful grandchildren. They all are the joys of my life!
Linda Fischer on Etsy

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Holiday Showcase: Our Children's Earth

Today we are visiting Our Children's Earth, enjoy!

Where can we find you?Website:
Ethical Community:

What is life like in your studio?Our studio is full of a huge variety of items. I like to figure out how to make new things so I am constantly coming up with new creations or gifts. Some days, I want to sew so I make our Recycled Sweater Coats or reusable sandwich bags, some days I want to make jewelry so I make our bottle cap earring or vintage record jewelry, some days (ok most days on this one) I love to shop and find awesome vintage items or supplies at Thrift Stores, Yard sales or from friends. Our shop has become this great eclectic place to find treasures and our studio definitely reflects this.

What is your favorite giftable in your shop?I love our Recycled Crayons. They come in a huge variety of shapes and colors. That way you can give them for any occasion. The thing that is great about them is that children and adults love them.

Why is handmade important to you?I think that we lose the heart in items when we just make them by machine or from someone who just clocks in to work and does not care about the outcome of the products. There is truly something magical about creating an item from designing it to actually finishing the product. I love to support other artists also since I know how long it can take to make something. The other great thing about homemade is that it gives us a chance to use Eco Friendly products and recycle. Like we only use water based glue in our shop but if it was mass produced I am sure many of products would be made with harmful chemicals.

Share a handmade gift anyone can make.I love our Button Hair Accessories:
These are fun and easy to make. 
1. Get a hair barrette from the craft store.
2. Find some great vintage buttons or use old buttons off shirts that you can't wear anymore
3. Take your glue gun and glue the buttons onto the barrette. Becareful not to burn yourself and do this over newspaper incase the glue drips off the barrette.
4. To add something fun you can also glue material or ribbon on the barrette to create some fun designs.

Is there anything else you would like to share?We can all make a difference in the world. It can be little or big, it is up to us to make the world the way we dream it should be.

Tuesday, October 02, 2012

Holiday Showcase: The Crazy Elephant

The holiday showcase is back for another year! I will be honest, I almost forgot all about it! I'm glad I didn't though because I will be featuring some awesome handmade shops to help you with your handmade holiday. As usual I am starting with me, especially since there have been so many changes this last year.

Where can we find you?

What is life like in your studio?

Generally, I try to cut a series of pads, or what ever I am making that week, one afternoon a week. I get about 4 hours a week after little guy's bed time to do sewing, marathon style. I do my best to get about 20-25 listings up or restocked per week. I take care of my blog and online work to the sound of a 5 year old singing the Star Wars theme at the top of his lungs...very motivational!

What is your favorite giftable in your shop?

My favorite gift item in my shop this holiday is the penguin marble maze! They come in many prints but the one in the pic is my absolute favorite. They can go with you anywhere and they are a great quiet toy for the kids. Adults love them too and play with them as much as the kids!

Why is handmade important to you?

It is special! Handmade items hold meaning to people. A machine made plush is easily tossed out or forgotten, but something that has been made with love for someone with their own hands is just special. Plus it just feels good to have something that no one else can just run out and copy.

Share a handmade gift anyone can make.

Last year we made my in-laws a homemade pizza kit. We included a jar of pizza dough mix I made from scratch, a mini can of tomato sauce, and a package of pepperoni. It was a big hit and since it was consumable it did not take up space once it was used.

Is there anything else you would like to share?

We have grown and changed so much in the last year and I just have to say thank you to all my fantastic fans and customers! You guys are simply awesome!

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Holiday Showcase: LaLaDangerous

What kinds of fabulous goodies to you carry?
I carry Ornaments for any Occasion! Wedding, Anniversary, Thanksgiving, Christmas, Easter! Having a baby? I have an Ornament or gift for you!!
What inspires your work?
Every Christmas, on the day we decorated the tree, my mother would present us children with a special ornament just for us for that year. I looked forward to this time every year. This was the first ornament(aside from the bulbs of course) to go on the tree. She did this every year until the year came when we moved out of the house. All of our ornaments were packed away to take with us into our own separate homes to decorate our tree. I still have them all. I'd like to bring that same love, thoughtfulness and tradition to each and every home with a One of a Kind ornament for your special someone. This is what inspires me to make my little works of art!!
Why is handmade important to you?Handmade is important to me because first and foremost I know I'm supporting someone with my purchase. I am helping someone out. Lending a hand. Secondly I know that item I purchase is made with love and will be a quality item I can cherish for years to come. Anyone can purchase a cheap toy or item of clothing from a big box store, but where does it come from? Who made it? Will it last? Do they even care? These questions are important to me and when I buy something handmade I know the answers!
Share a handmade gift that anyone can do!Peanut Butter Birdseed Balls!!
1/2 pound ground beef suet
1 cup creamy peanut butter
2 cups cornmeal
Decorative cord
Wild birdseed, hulled or unhulled, sunflower seeds,
barberries or dried red and blue corn kernels(really anything a bird will love!)

In a large saucepan over low heat, melt suet, stirring occasionally. Strain rendered suet into large bowl, discarding crisp particles. Blend in peanut butter and cornmeal to make stiff dough. Chill mixture 30 minutes, until easily shaped with hands.
Meanwhile, cut about eight to twelve 14-inch lengths of cord. Tie ends of each together in knot, making loops. Mold balls around knot on each loop, so that knot is in center. Pour one, or a combination, of suggested seeds into pie plate. Roll balls in seeds to coat thoroughly. Refrigerate at least one hour, until firm! Hang out for your birdies to enjoy!

Where can we find you?

Lastly, is there anything else you would like to share about you or your shop?
I do custom orders and special requests. If you don't see a color you like, or style or really any requests at all, Don't hesitate to ask! I am more than willing to try to realize your vision for the perfect decoration!

Well, this concludes the holiday showcase series for the year! Thank you for joining me in checking out some fantastic handmade shops. I hope you got some great gift ideas and spent some time checking out all the goodies from everyone. If you want to revisit any of the showcases they are all listed in the holiday showcase are listed in the tab at the top.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Holiday Showcase: Fortremington

This week I am visiting with the shop keeper from Fortremington. Let's get started...

What kinds of fabulous goodies to you carry?
I have totally functional wood kitchen utensils of all shapes and sizes. Made from southern cherry wood, they are a durable and beautiful wood that is perfect for cooking, baking, mixing, grilling, etc.

What inspires your work?
New recipes! I love learning how different foods are cooked, the special utensils required for making the job easier and then designing that utensil out of wood. As I've traveled around the south, I've learned different areas that specialize in certain foods, like brunswick stew, lo country boils, chicken pileau. I have had requests from the "professional" back yard chefs for just the perfect tool for them to use. It's always fun to learn from them....and to pick up a recipe or two.

I am also inspired by antique spoons that look well loved and worn. I make replicas of old spoons for family members who have an heirloom spoon and would like to share it with their children or siblings. That way everyone in the family can have a spoon similar to Grandma's.

Why is handmade important to you?
I come from a family of hand crafters from wood to sewing, quilting and painting. The time a person spends creating an item from their heart makes it so much more meaningful than a mass produced item. The product has character and flaws are always welcome! Plus, you know the feeling they get when they accomplish a difficult task is an amazing feeling. Handcrafters know that feeling well!

Share a handmade gift that anyone can do!
This bulletin board is a great project for all ages. It can be done very cheaply with some time spent searching for your items.


1/4" or 1/2" piece of plywood (any size that you would like your board to be may be available from a contractor from his scraps)
Discarded wine corks (ask at a restaurant that serves wine to save them for you)
3/4" hemp rope (enough to go around your bulletin board twice.
wood glue
serrated knife (may not need)
2 sawtooth hangers (or wire for hanging your bulletin board

Just glue the wine corks on the plywood, totally covering the board. to the edge. If you need to cut them to fit, use a serrated knife. Experiment with different designs with the corks before you glue them. The possibilities are endless.

Now glue the hemp rope around the outside edge covering the side of the plywood and then around the layer of corks. This really dresses it up and gives it a rustic, primitive look.

Add saw tooth hangers on the back or picture hanger wire. Don't forget push pins!

Make them all sizes and shapes and use for gifts.

Where can we find you?
I am on Etsy at and I also have a web site at

I do local craft shows in central Florida and in Georgia and one in Tennessee.

Most week days I'm happily in the wood shop making spoons and doing my packing and shipping in my work room. Then on weekends I hope to be at a show.

Lastly, is there anything else you would like to share about you or your shop?
I am a 5th generation wood worker but the first female in the lineage. I still use my Dad's wood shop that I used all of my life and walk across our cow pasture every morning to go to work. It's my favorite part of the day! Then I visit with my Mom and Dad before turning on the saws. I am very blessed to have this life and be able to enjoy my 5 kids and 2 grandchildren. And have a wonderful husband who takes me to all the shows and keeps me company! Life is great!

Monday, November 14, 2011

Note Card Giveaway

Here is the result of the randomizer:

Random Integer Generator

Here are your random numbers:
Timestamp: 2011-11-14 19:37:25 UTC

Comment #5's winning entry:

Jinx said...
Fave item in shop would be you

Congrats on winning the notecard gift set Ashley! I will get you in touch with Marcia from Be My Bee.

Thank you everyone for checking out my holiday showcases so far! There are still more fantastic showcases on the way, including a new giveaway starting tomorrow, so stay tuned.

Tuesday, November 01, 2011

Holiday Showcase: Too Tutu Cute

Today's holiday showcase is with Bethanie from Too Tutu Cute. Let's get started...

What kinds of fabulous goodies to you carry?

I carry embroidered shirts, tutus, and accessories for the little ones.

What inspires your work?
My 2 beautiful girls inspire my work!

Why is handmade important to you?

Handmade is important to me because it's one of s kind, no two things are exactly a like. I'm able to customize my items just how the individual would want it and make it your very own. It's unique.

Where can we find you?

On Etsy:
On Facebook:

Lastly, is there anything else you would like to share about you or your shop?

I am a stay at home mom for 2 beautiful little girls and love every minute with them. I'm having so much fun creating these items for them!

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Holiday Showcase: The Crazy Elephant

It is that time of year again! Can you believe it is almost the holiday season once again? I am starting off the holiday showcase with my creation, The Crazy Elephant, again. We have had a lot of changes this year and I am still ending the post with a giveaway, so it's all good.
The Crazy Elephant
What kinds of fabulous goodies to you carry?
Our focus is on earth friendly products for kids and moms. We have nursing and menstral pads for mom. There are useful kids items like burpcloths, tissues, and lunch bags. I also make playmats and games out of eco felt. There are lots of new goodies this year and more to come as the holidays draw closer.
What inspires your work?
Our son, Jayne! He is the reason The Crazy Elephant exists, and how it got it's name. I have always been an artist, but all the sewn and knitted items in our shops came about because of having made them for him first. we decided to share the things we love to use with others.
Why is handmade important to you?

There is a lot of care that goes into a handmade item that you can't get from a manufacturing plant. When I make something I expect a high level of quality. If I don't like the way a new product turns out, I don't sell it. I keep working on it till it is what I want it to be or it gets dropped all together. We test drive every product before it hits the shop. In handmade products you see more originality and much higher quality overall.
Share a handmade gift that anyone can do!
This one is a great kids craft for the teachers. Jayne did this for his Auntie who is a teacher and they turned out really cute. Take red, green, and yellow plastic yogurt lids and glue a white circle on the inside. Glue 3 or so apple seeds in the middle of the circle. On the back glue crumpled tissue in the coresponding colors, add string and you have an adorable apple ornament.
Lastly, where can we find you?
We do several live shows, but online you caan find us at We are also on facebook,, and on twitter @thecrazyele.
The giveaway!
The Crazy Elephant is giving away a yellow marble maze! This fantastic little maze is great for anyplace you would like a quiet kiddo, plus the marble is safely contained inside the maze. The winner will be selected at random and announced on October 31st.
How to enter:
Please comment once for each entry and leave a way to contact you if you win.
*follow this blog
*fan The Crazy Elephant on facebook
*Share your favorite item at The Crazy Elephant
*blog about this giveaway (must leave link)
*share this giveaway with others in any other way (must leave link and can comment as many sepparate links as you like)
*making a purchase in the shop gives you 10 entries (make 1 comment for the purchase)
*Share instructions for a great handmade gift that anyone can do!
Have fun and the winner will be announced on October 31st!